
Digital De-Clutter by Lee Havern

In our fast track world we rarely take the time to slow down. We look for instant gratification constantly. We want everything NOW.

In my opinion this has a lot to do with the digital landscape. Social Media, Smartphones, Emails and Digital Devices are all to blame. However, we all have the power to control how we use them. I think that Digital Clutter is one of the biggest Health and Well-being issues we have today.

A few years ago I decided to go on a Digital Detox which mainly focused on Social Media apps and Emails.

I was spending a lot of time flicking between apps, checking news feeds, emails and basically getting lost in my phone. I digitally de-cluttered one step at a time:

  1. Moved all of my Social Media apps to the last page on my phone, meaning that they weren’t automatically the first apps I would see and had to scroll a few pages to get to them.
  2. Turned all notifications off on my phone, except for phone calls. This meant I would have to physically go in to each app to see what notifications I had. Also, if something was urgent then people would normally call.
  3. Deleted the Email App. Emails were constantly coming through (especially with running my own business) so I decided to only send and receive emails when I was on a computer (scheduled).
  4. Deleted the Facebook App. For me this was the biggest step. I’m sure it’s the same with most of us but Facebook was definitely the App I used most. I checked it constantly, so much that I wasn’t even hearing people talking to me at times. Goodbye Facebook. I haven’t seen Facebook News Feed since 2017 and this without a doubt was the best step I took.

Fast Forward a few years and ALL Social Media apps are gone. I have zero Social Media.

Digital De-Clutter – I have to say that this is one of the best things I have ever done.

I would definitely suggest to anyone to try one or all of the steps above. Try and make the time you spend on Social Media intentional rather than letting it take over your time, focus, concentration and even your life.

If the positives out-weigh the negatives KEEP IT. If the negatives out-weigh the positives DELETE IT.

Take Care.


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